USA - Badlands National Park

Badlands NP is located one hour drive from the Black Hills. The name of this place was given by French trappers, who upon reaching this area, decided it was a really bad land to farm - “mauvaises terres”. The badlands are a series of bluffs between two grassy plateaus, where bisons graze.

Badlands' landscape

Badlands' prairie dogs

some many bisons they were basically jumping in front of the cars

threatening our car

view from sleeping spot

We followed the road that serpents along the cliffs. The weather was great, and the park is very camper-friendly - it offers a free campsite within its borders and several approved wild camping spots just outside.

a photo of Magda

Antoine and his binoculars are inseparable

yellow moulds - the oldest feature of the park, dating to ca. 70 million years ago, the late Cretaceous period

evening hike

we managed to take a picture together!

short hike

free campsite

winding Sage Creek

I saw a coyote! Antoine didn't because he was too busy checking rocks

till next time!